Don't Let Anyone Infringe on Your Right to Retreat Into a Fantasy World

A word of advice for anyone who’s cracking up from being plugged in 24/7: get you a big, thick, fantasy or sci-fi novel and carry it everywhere you go. Crack that bad boy open any time you would start scrolling your phone. Very quickly, you will quit worrying about the rising tide of global conflict, which is currently lapping at the ankles of many in the western world, where we were certain it would never reach (unless the reader is in a place that has been affected by such tragedies less recently than the last couple years).

You want to adjust your brain to a low-tech form of escapism, one that can be conjured up with virtually no resources. The people who are gaming on big battlestations with RGB fans? They’re cooked, they’re drinking tea on a manor in Yorkshire in 1756, completely at the mercy of a tenuous global supply chain. Just as tea can never be grown in the Midlands, GPUs and cat-ear headphones will likely never be manufactured to scale in whatever Western burg you’re reading this from.

I suppose the biggest obstacle to this would be a concerned partner, but in my experience, they’ll come around when you explain that it’ll be good for you to not be plugged in all the time, or they’ll just roll their eyes and go along with it, either way works.
