Garden Update

About a month and a half ago, after successfully growing a bunch of basil indoors, I thought I’d try once more to grow some squash, tomatoes, & peppers outdoors. I’ve grown vegetables outdoors with limited success before, but I’m putting more effort into it this year by investing in an actual enclosure to keep out deer and other pests, and using organic pest control methods as well. Here’s what I’ve got so far


Tomatoes - this plant is almost 2 months old, meaning it should begin flowering soon. I put tomato fertilizer in the bucket, which I think is helping


Cucumbers - These should be flowering soon as well. I have to be more diligent about watering, because the porous terracotta pot allows more moisture to escape.


Zucchini - these have begun flowering, but are wilting, as I’m told the first flowers that appear are male, which bear no fruit.

The white stuff on the plants is diotomaceous earth, which I mix into a solution and apply to the plants with a spray bottle. It is meant to keep bugs at bay. I have also applied spinosad to the plants, though I’m trying to be more sparing with that, as it is toxic to pollinators.

If you have any input here, or questions, feel free to email me at [email protected]